When a website links to another website, there are two ways to link to the website. The first method is dofollow link, and the second method is nofollow link. Although both types of links achieve the same goal of linking from the source site to the target site, they tell search engines two different things.

The nofollow link tells search engines to ignore it. Therefore, while following links can improve your search engine ranking, nofollow links do not convey their value. From this perspective, nofollow links are not as important as follow links. However, as we explain below, nofollow links are as important now as ever.

Nofollow and follow

Many SEO only focus on obtaining follow-up links, ignoring the value of pursuing nofollow links. As a result, many websites eventually have backlink profiles that contain follow links that inject value into the website, which is ultimately where everyone wants to go. However, it is important not to treat nofollow links as worthless because they still have important SEO value. This is especially true when nofollow links come from trusted and relevant sources.

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The value of nofollow link

Every time you link to a source from your website, you will immediately become a backlink to the website, whether you follow the link or not. In order to help you understand the value of links to your website, it is helpful to regard them as points. The more points you have, the more valuable your website will be. In this respect, follow links will give you points, while nofollow links will not, which leads some people to think that they are invalid.

But in fact, Google recognizes these two types of links and observes how many pages there are and where they come from. If Google determines that many websites link to specific pages, it will determine it as a good omen. Then it will give priority to this website rather than other websites, because it believes that it is most likely to provide the best results for users.

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Why is there no nofollow link?

Initially, Google introduced nofollow HTML tags to combat spam. This is because if their ranking is high enough, spam websites can push down the ranking of real, high-quality websites, and ultimately affect the quality of search results provided to users. In addition, even if the link to your website may be nofollow, someone may find it and realize that it is useful. This may encourage them to link back to it from their website, thereby increasing their SEO value. If Google recognizes that people find value in nofollow links, they will choose it.

What is the purpose of the nofollow link?

Ultimately, your job is to establish a healthy balance between follow and nofollow links, as they will provide your website with an ideal backlink profile. There is no doubt that following links is better for your SEO, but nofollow links reduce the suspicion from Google and support the flow of real organic traffic to your website. Therefore, although they are not as attractive or popular as follow links, nofollow links still play a crucial role in your SEO strategy, and they are very important and cannot be ignored.

Although most of us have a preliminary understanding of the value of SEO strategies and links, working with experts can help, especially when you want to develop your business online. Cnbacklinks uses a serious SEO approach that can help you improve your ranking and increase your bottom line. After all, it is crucial to develop an SEO strategy correctly, and this is an investment that will serve your future.