If you’re looking to expand your online presence in China, effective link building strategies are a must. However, the rules and best practices for Chinese link building can differ from those in other countries. This guide will provide you with the dos and don’ts of Chinese link building for international businesses.


Do understand the Chinese search engine landscape.

Before diving into Chinese link building, it’s important to understand the search engine landscape in China. Baidu is the dominant search engine, with over 70% market share. Other search engines like Sogou and 360 Search also have a significant presence. It’s important to optimize your website and content for Baidu’s algorithms and user behavior to improve your search rankings and visibility in China.

chinese link building

Don’t rely solely on translated content.

While it may be tempting to simply translate your existing content into Chinese, this approach may not be effective for Chinese audiences. Cultural differences and language nuances can impact how your content is received and understood. Instead, consider creating original content specifically tailored to Chinese audiences. This can include topics that are relevant to Chinese culture and trends, as well as using language and phrasing that resonates with Chinese readers.


Do focus on building relationships with Chinese websites.

Building relationships with Chinese websites is crucial for successful link building in China. This involves reaching out to relevant websites and bloggers in your industry and offering to collaborate or exchange links. It’s important to approach this process respectfully and professionally, taking the time to understand the website’s audience and content before making any requests. Building strong relationships with Chinese websites can also help to establish your brand as a trusted and respected authority in your industry.

chinese link building

Don’t use black hat tactics or spammy links.

While it may be tempting to use black hat tactics or spammy links to quickly boost your website’s ranking in China, it’s important to avoid these practices. Not only do they violate search engine guidelines, but they can also damage your brand’s reputation and credibility. Instead, focus on building high-quality, relevant links from reputable Chinese websites. This will not only improve your website’s ranking, but also establish your brand as a trustworthy and valuable resource for Chinese consumers.


Do consider working with a local agency for expert guidance.

If you’re new to Chinese link building, it’s highly recommended to work with a local agency that has experience and expertise in this area. They can provide valuable guidance on the best practices and strategies for building links in China, as well as help you navigate the cultural and linguistic differences. Additionally, they can help you identify and connect with relevant Chinese websites and influencers, which can greatly enhance your link building efforts.